Teacher Preview
Teacher Preview
You're invited to an exclusive preview!
Secondary school teachers are invited to an exclusive preview of the TAC’s recently opened Road to Zero Education Complex at Melbourne Museum on Tuesday 17 March from 4.30 to 6 pm.
The program is specifically designed to address the Science and Health & PE curriculum for Year 9, 10 and VCAL.
Road to Zero provides an engaging and immersive exploration of the scientific principles of road safety and public health campaign development using the latest technologies.
Preview event highlights:
- A guided tour of the Road to Zero Experience Space and opportunity to 'test' the high-tech activities
- See the modern Learning Studios where students apply their learning to curriculum-linked experiences
- Learn about the free resources that support Road to Zero education programs
- Enjoy the catering while networking with other teachers and learning specialists.
Register to attend this free event via eventbrite. Refreshments will be provided!